Clean Energy Promoting Citizen's Forum Activity Documents Publications Background
Clean Energy Promoting Citizen's Forum-documents
Budget project - 2010
Financial report - 2009
Auditor's report - 2009
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Auditor's report - 2009
 A General Conference of Clean Energy Citizen's Promoting Forum has been held annually for 4 years.
We express our deep appreciation to the Steering Committee and members of the Forum, especially to Co-representatives Park Heung Seok and Sim Gyu Myeong, for the efforts they are continually making towards the development of our organization.
On the strength of our tenacious members' activities, our organization has reached a high level of success. We also thank the secretariat staff for the work they are doing despite tough conditions.
During this 4th General Conference we will announce audit results and an activity review. First of all, looking at the activity review, it is primarily worth noting that owing to the interest and participation of Forum members, planned activities such as the Clean Energy Industrial Exhibition and Taehwa River Eco-Exhibition were held. The Clean Energy Experience School has already been held already 19 times. Its aim is to change the mindset of modern students.
This goal is being achieved, with about 800 schoolchildren attending this school and having a "green mind" capture their imagination. We want to thank again SK Power Service Team and UOU G.R.S. Team for their help in organization. And this year despite of various preparations to build a wind power plant, we disappointingly failed to achieve concrete results. Next year we wish better achievements in civil development.

 According to audit report membership dues and donations income was 83,810,670 won, expenditures was 75,425,900 won. The total budget grew about 7% over the previous year. Membership dues are still quite high compared to donations and amount to 57% of total income.
With insufficient funding, we express our deep gratitude to the sponsors and the Steering Committee for their support. Also we would like to thank the Secretariat staff's hard work despite the poor financial situation. Finally, due to attention and support of many members and two Co-representatives we have achieved a lot.
This year we plan registration as an international NGO in UN ECOSOC and hope to gain that status next year. Thus we wish this forum will achieve grater development in future.

Auditors : Lee Jae Won  
Lee Jae Hwan
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